Not return your phone call after leaving several messages.
Not show up for an appointment.
Give you a quote for a job which amounts to a business card with a dollar figure written on the back.
Say that if you don't sign this contract today, the price will go up.
Give you a business card with a PO Box address on it with the phone number scratched out and the new one written in?
Say that technically, the work requires a building permit but permits only add to the cost of the project.
Say that your job has some unforeseen "cost over-runs" that are necessary to complete the project. This usually happens in the middle of the project when everything is torn apart.
Ask you for the final payment before the job is complete.
Not come back to finish the job after you give him or her the final payment.
Force you to take him or her to court where you win and you still don't get your money back!
No headaches! No hassles! Our company’s philosophy isn’t for everyone; we are a single source for clients who want to deal with a professional organization.
If you feel our team would make a good fit with you and your project, please contact us today to learn about our phone consultation,
which is the first step in determining if we are right for your project.